Admission Application Form

Use the below links to find the student registration forms for the [year]-[nextyear] academic year. Please fill out the forms completely, and return all paper work , deposit, and registration fee (if applicable) to the Academy as soon as possible.

Early registration will guarantee your child a seat at Manarah, help us plan appropriate student placement, al- low us sufficient time to get teachers and staff, and help get the appropriate amount of curriculum materials needed.

Physical and Health Forms

Private or School PHYSICAL EXAMINATION OF SCHOOL AGE STUDENT and PRIVATE DENTIST REPORT OF DENTAL EXAMINATION OF A PUPIL OF SCHOOL AGE, Complete page one of this form before student’s exam. Take completed form to appointment.

Transportation and Child Pick up forms

Request for Transportation under Act 372. With this below forms, you have authorize Manarah Islamic Academy to pick up the mentioned child to drop off and pick up at your specified address and from Manarah Islamic Academy at any time for otherwise.

Vacation / Miscellaneous Absence Request Form

This form must be completed and returned to the school Principal prior to the start of the vacation date requested.

School Calendars

Hifz Program forms

Develop quality hafizs for our local communities. The Prophet (PBUH) said, “The best of you are those who learn the Qur’aan and teach it.” {Sahih Al Bukhari}